Sunday, March 26, 2017

Why are you even reading this

Hello all, I am remorseful in the fact that i haven't put this thing out of it's misery, but i guess it wanted a slow, and painful death. Rip. Ima just leave this here. You should follow me on instagram, i'm there more a lot more than I should be.
 Life has gone by but you're still here, apparently. The question is why. Why would you do this to yourself? You must think this thing is worth something. Well. let's put it this way; You're probably the only one who thinks that.
  Let's see, where do i start?

I'm no longer a tween so i can't really relate to you guys anymore.
I'll be a freshman this fall, (see prior point)
I've fallen in love with dancing and twenty one pilots, sometimes they mix
I've become cliche', for instance; I listen to emo related bands, own a choker, my only true friend is a nine year old dog (he'll be ten in May rawr *XD*)
I do acting and think it's professional.

but some things never change

I still sing (loudly) when I don't think anybody can hear me
I still trip over my tongue in day-to-day activities
I still paint my toenails
I'm still cliche'

see you l8ter h8ter i guess,