Sunday, August 23, 2015

Who will bravely bell the bitter Cat

Who will bravely bell the bitter Cat       By Hannah Walker

About 20 years ago, a nasty group of mice hastily sauntered into an amazingly gigantic mansion. Two joyfully retired zebra trainers lived there and their names were Nelson and Jesse. This happily married couple had a HUGE Kitchen with the most gloriously wonderfully tasting foods that came from all over the world. Late at night the mice would stealthily but eagerly sneak into this massive kitchen, nonchalantly rob it of its fruits, meats, and certain delectable dairy products (cheese), and proudly march two by two back to their mouse condo under the floorboards of the couple’s house.

 Frankly this trick confused the couple and one fateful morning they formed a huddle. “What are we going to do?”  Wailed Jesse.  “I got it, we shall purchase a fur ball!” cried Nelson. The smug couple pleasingly did just that. Punctually, the mouse family went out to steal the valuable treats only to discover an enormous feline smack dab in the middle of their path! The cat awoke to detect the new playmates and eagerly pounced on the 9th mouse. This amazingly continued on for days and days until there were only 4 swiftly moving brave mice left.


  Right before the routine robbery the mice had an insanely bright discussion. “We need a plan!” decided the 3rd mouse. “Like what!?” disagreed the 2nd mouse. “I got it!” unexpectedly exclaimed the 4th mouse,”  “We can tie a jingle bell to the violent mouser!” snobbishly stated the 4th mouse. “Perfect idea now who will do it?” wisely countered the brightest and wisest mouse.  Embarrassed and ashamed all the mice spoke no more.     

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