Tuesday, May 5, 2015

In an Alternate Dimension near the Sea….

In an Alternate Dimension near the Sea…. 

In an Alternate Dimension near the sea, a family lived but they weren’t like you or me. Goldie was the Mother of the family. She was married to Sticks and they had an amazingly brilliant son named Tuna. In the beginning of the story I said this family wasn’t like you or me. The fine line of fiction or nonfiction is easily crossed. In this case the only thing stopping my story from the professional title Nonfictional is the fact that this family isn’t titled Human, The gross family are actually cold blooded FISH. 

Now I know you’re wondering FISH!? Will this be interesting? Probably not. But you’re very welcome to stay and read the rest of this boring story. Unfortunately if you leave this paragraph unread you’ll miss the very important moral, which I’m sad to say won’t be spelled out clearly. You’ll have to read between the lines for the solution. So to start the story we will begin by repeating the title sentence which is, In an alternate dimension near the sea….

Goldie Fish impatiently called out to her son “Tuna! Come down! We need to go food shopping!!” She called “Don’t make us late! We don’t want to miss the show!”  Tuna rolled down the stairs in his air bubble. He always stayed in his bubble so he could breathe on human territory. Sticks hobbled out of the swimming room and angrily refuted “Do we have to go now!? Can’t we just go Freddie’s kids and Chips?” he fumed “Swimming in the Sea is on!”  Goldie completely ignored him and dragged Tuna out the coral reef that was shaped like a door. The fumingly tense family swam to Land World (because Walt Disney land was too expensive) and choose three air splash zone seats. Later on Tuna wanted some Food so the whole family glided towards the snack patio.

Sticks quickly grabbed his camera and Goldie gave her binoculars to Tuna. The fish family furiously waited on and on until they spotted the perfect catch. Goldie excitedly hollered “There It is!!! The perfect dinner! She’s perfect!!” then Tuna curiously beseeched “How can you tell its gender?”  And Sticks pride -fully answered “if the swimmer wears a swimming cap it’s a girl and if the swimmer wears speedo wear it’s a boy! It’s super obvious!!” Of course you and I know that he was ridiculously wrong. For instance I wear speedo wear all the time and I’M A GIRL!  The family rolled out a surprisingly long rod and attached a very attractive pearl to the end. Then they carefully clamped a clam onto the bottom of the line which consumed the pearl, and lowered the invention into the pool. Instantly the Female swimmer noticed the treasure and took a hold of it. Once she grabbed the pear, the fish family reeled the line in and captured the swimmer. Then they wrapped her in a bag and carried her home. I know this story vaguely resembles something you have probably done before, but in the strange alternate dimension you never know what will happen… 
 And if you didn’t catch the moral go back and reread the last paragraph, the message is quiet yet important

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